The Leader & The Coach by William Keiper and Steve Chandler

The Leader and The Coach: A Book by Steve Chandler & Will Keiper

Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, observed over 55 years ago that, “Change has never been this fast, and will never be this slow again.” He has been proven right every day since then, and it couldn’t be truer than it is today.

Changes in the world of work and leadership have significantly accelerated since the arrival of COVID-19. Alongside the rise of work-from-home, the Great Resignation, and seismic advances in technology, leaders of organizations are expected to offer employees greater mindfulness and well-being in the workplace. Employees now want to be perceived and valued as more than mere “assets.” They want to be collaborators, to be heard and seen, and have opportunities for greater autonomy and self-development.

How are leaders – traditionally valued for their ability to deliver growing revenue and profits — supposed to create ever-improving results, and also be more “human?” From both research and experience, we have learned that leaders with traditional skills who embrace the attributes that are the foundation of successful coaching, will be better able to attract, develop, retain, and optimize the talent of their people. These coaching attributes include seeing others as “whole persons,” with bodies, minds, and spirits that shouldn’t have to be checked at the door of the workplace.

These opportunities are explored in our new book, The Leader and The Coach–The Art of Humanity in Leadership, released today on Amazon. It is available as an eBook and in a print version at

We make a short but powerful case for why leaders need to rise to share greater empathy, transparency, and authenticity in their roles, but also show how to get there. Some of the topics we cover, include how-to:

Create an environment of psychological safety
Be more authentic and transparent
Develop and advance well-being initiatives
Create a sense of belonging and community
Support creativity and collaboration
Enable greater autonomy and self-management, and
Provide self-development opportunities and recognition.

Each of these is explored from the perspective of me as a leader, and Steve as a coach of leaders (and, of course, of leadership coaches). Our goal is to deliver at least one takeaway of value for every leader and coach of leaders. We hope you will find some value in it and share it with people you believe will benefit.

~Will Keiper, co-author with Steve Chandler of The Leader and The Coach

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The Leader & The Coach by Steve Chandler & Will Keiper
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