[This a guest blog post from Chris Nelson, the editor of our book The Leader and The Coach: The Art of Humanity in Leadership.]
The Leader and The Coach: Editorial Review – – Chris Nelson As one of those so-called “artistic” types, my stereotypical biases kept me from recognizing that the business world is as dynamic a place as any to create and explore who you are. It took me years to see that, but Will Keiper and Steve Chandler recognized it long ago.
In The Leader and the Coach they share why it’s so important for this recognition to become a kind of universal truth. The book contends that now more than ever we need to bring our humanness to the workplace precisely because it will support the company, the leader and the talent—all will thrive.
This is not just about having a ping-pong table in the breakroom; it’s about recognizing from the top down that the qualities that make us human also make us whole, and when we engage with all of who we are in the workplace we create new and unexpected avenues for business and personal growth. Keiper and Chandler pack a lot into this little book.
There are the “hard facts” that illustrate shifts in the business world (particularly post-pandemic). There are stories drawn from their long and rich (and refreshingly “checkered”) experiences in the business and coaching worlds. There are clear and immediately actionable suggestions about new approaches to take that can serve as a blueprint. And there is throughout a warmth, liveliness and humor that show the authors take their own injunctions seriously—this is not a dull book. It’s a very human one, sparkling with insight and compassion borne of long experience.
The Leader and the Coach makes plain that bringing our humanity into the workplace is no longer a luxury for a company that wants to succeed, but a necessity. I might even take that idea a little further and suggest that recognizing our shared humanity NOW is essential to the growth of the human race. This, at least, is the sentiment that I feel runs as an undercurrent throughout this concise, brilliantly written business book.
~Chris Nelson, Editor of The Leader and The Coach: The Art of Humanity in Leadership https://prose-alchemy.com/
The complete collection of The Leader and The Coach blogs: https://theleaderandthecoach.com/
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